
Saturday, March 6, 2010

X: "My friend is obviously...Chinese. I see you've noticed the ears. They're actually easy to explain...."
Y: "Perhaps the unfortunate accident I had as a child...."
X: "The unfortunate accident he had as a child....He caught his head in a mechanical...rice-picker. But fortunately there was an American...missionary living close by who was actually a ...skilled plastic surgeon in civilian life...."

Lines spoken by two famous characters. Identify X and Y. Bonus kudos for more detailed answers.


  1. I know i know!! Captain Kirk is talking about Spoc or rather lying about spoc to explain to someone why spoc looked like he did

  2. @above: Correct identification. X is Captain Kirk speaking about Y - Spock. This is from the episode The City on the Edge of Forever, the season 1 finale of Star Trek - The Original Series. As most Trekkies would know, the episode had Kirk and Spock rewriting a minor part of history on 1930s Earth via a time portal.
